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Category: Eye Care

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How an Eye Doctor Can Hep You Manage Glaucoma

According to the Canadian Association of Optometrists, Glaucoma affects more than 450,000 Canadians and is the second leading cause of vision loss in the country’s older population. Caused by intraocular pressure and fluid buildups, Glaucoma is a serious eye condition that results in damage to the optic nerve, which in time results in vision changes […]

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Common Emergency Eye Injuries That Happen at Home

Eye injuries don’t only happen in high-risk work environments. They can also occur unexpectedly at home when your guard is down. Everyday activities like cooking, cleaning, or even home improvement projects can pose serious risks to your eye health. From chemical splashes and debris to physical trauma, it’s crucial to stay aware of your surroundings […]

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When Do Dry Eyes Require an Eye Doctor in Woodbridge

Dry eyes can seem like a small problem when it starts out, but many people struggle with the burning, gritty sensation in their eyes that can become debilitating. Because this can seem like a minor problem, many people refrain from seeking dry eye treatments from an eye doctor. However, dry eyes are a prevalent problem […]

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How to Choose Between LASIK and PRK Laser Eye Surgery

Prescription glasses are a great way for us to compensate for changes in visual acuity on a daily basis. The right prescription in the form of frames or lenses enables us to better go about our day-to-day lives. Despite its many benefits, many people who wear glasses or use contact lenses look for an alternative […]

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Why Book a Kids Eye Exam Ahead of the School Year

Monitoring eye development is extremely important, especially at a young age. Poor eye health can result in a number of challenges at school, academically and socially. Before the start of the school year begins in Ontario, it’s a good idea to book an eye exam for kids at a trusted and experienced optometrist near you. […]

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What Is the Process of Getting Prescription Glasses?

A regularly scheduled eye exam with an experienced optometrist like Dr. Brian Abrams is an important step in maintaining healthy vision for people of all ages. Eye exams at an optometrist office allows for a comprehensive check on both your vision acuity and the actual anatomy of your eye. When conducted by an experienced eye […]

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When to Go to the ER for an Eye Care Emergency

Eye-related issues can be frightening and stressful, so when an emergency occurs, it’s essential that you get quick, thorough care. With a trusted optometrist in Vaughan like Dr. Brian Abrams, you can get highly effective emergency eye care services. For more insight into common eye emergencies, read on and learn when to visit the emergency room, what to expect, […]

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3 Reasons Why Prescription Sunglasses are Essential for Eye Health

When it comes to vision correction, the distinction between prescription glasses and sunglasses often goes unnoticed. While choosing to wear non-prescription glasses can still provide protection from harmful ultraviolet rays emitted by the sun, it can cause vision trouble for those looking to drive or conduct everyday activities outdoors. When you invest in high-quality prescription […]

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Why Protect Your Retina With Your Eye Doctor

The re­tina is the innermost layer of your e­yeball that captures images and se­nds signals to your brain, allowing you to see. As the thin window through which light passe­s to reach the back of your eye­, the retina plays an indispensable­ role in vision. Therefore­, taking care of your retina through regular e­ye exams […]

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