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Why Your Children Need a Comprehensive Eye Examination

We rely on our vision for almost everything in our daily lives, and proper eye care is crucial for overall health, especially when it comes to children. An eye examination for your children can disclose much more to their optometrist than simply what their prescription is. Your optometrist is a highly trained medical professional who […]

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Are you at risk for Glaucoma?

After cataracts, glaucoma is the second-leading cause of blindness in adults. The term glaucoma refers to a group of related disorders that affect the eye’s optic nerve over time, causing blindness. Glaucoma is caused by high pressure inside the eye, or intraocular pressure. Over time, the increased intraocular pressure gradually damages the optic nerve, resulting […]

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Top 5 Things You Need to Know About Cataracts

They say that a picture is worth a thousand words, which speaks volumes about the sensory service provided by the wonders that are our eyes. When our vision is affected by ailments such as cataracts, so is our entire way of life. Cataracts affect the vision of millions of Canadians each year, so it’s important to […]

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At the PAN AM Games

I was asked to Volunteer at the Polyclinic at Pan Am Games within the Athletes Village. I was thrilled to participate to see the games from a different perspective. I had an incredible opportunity to interact with athletes from around the globe. I was completely amazed by this unique experience. The spirt of the city, […]

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How often should eye exams be performed?

The traditional eye exams that so many of us got used to are now history. Today, eye exams are performed with advanced, high tech equipment, and with computerized diagnostic tools. One could say that modern eye exams are actually more important than in previous years. This is because state-of-the-art diagnostics can detect and diagnose much more accurately than before. In fact, […]

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The main difference between an optician, optometrist and ophthalmologist

Maintaining healthy eyesight is a responsibility AND a necessity, and it depends very much on visiting the right eye care professional. Every patient has different needs, and depending on the need, there’s a time for an optician, an optometrist or an ophthalmologist. Each practitioner plays an important part in eye care, and each has a […]

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The best optometrist is the optometrist you choose

In Ontario, the Doctor of Optometry assesses, diagnoses and treats eye diseases and disorders. It’s therefore vital to choose an optometrist that will best suit your needs. Today, optometrists make use of high-tech equipment and computerized instruments to accurately assess eye health and diagnose potential problems. With their in-depth experience and expertise, optometrists decide on […]

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A full service optometric clinic is for the entire family

Many of us don’t give enough attention to personal eye care. It’s a mistake, because our eyes and eyesight are just as important to general health as the rest of our body. And when it comes to the family, it’s an absolute necessity to “keep an eye” on any relevant symptoms and signs, before they […]

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